Keeping your direct mail marketing efforts interesting and engaging can be hard, especially with people seemingly more interested in heading online to find out about brands and what they’re up to. But while technology might seem like a bit of a curse where print publishing is concerned, you can actually combine the two to great effect and in such a way as will only enhance your tangible PR material.
These days, there’s an emerging trend for marketers to combine direct mail with augmented reality. Customers have to download some kind of app like Blippar and then use their smart devices to hover over your A4 portrait brochures and other publications, upon which some kind of animation will appear on their phones or tablets that is related to your goods and services.
Doing this could really ramp the return on investment up on your direct mail campaigns, as people will instantly feel more engaged with you and your brand. You’ll be easier to remember – so that if and when there comes a time when they do need something you provide, you’ll be their first port of call.
This is still very much an emerging technology, however, so bigger companies are really the only ones using it at the moment. Which is why now is the perfect opportunity for smaller firms to get the jump on their competition and see if they could start adopting the strategy now. It might cost a bit of capital but it’s sure to be worth it in the long run. Why don’t you do some research of your own to see what could be achieved?